28 Nov-1 Dec 2022 Paris (France)

EDDI Diversity Scholarship

EDDI diversity scholarship 

This year, EDDI is able to offer a diversity scholarship, as we aim to increase the diversity within the conference, especially among the speakers. The program is open to any underrepresented group within the DDI community.   

The scholarship covers travel expenses and 2 hotel nights, the beneficiary being expected to attend the conference and deliver a presentation. 
The registration fees are waived. The total expenses cannot exceed 1500 euros. 
Application deadline : October 15 2022.

Your application (to be sent at eddi22-prog@googlegroups.com) should contain:

  • A short statement on why you want to attend, and what will you and EDDI 2022 gain from your face-to-face participation (up to 500 words).
  • A short biography.
  • A cost estimate for travel and accommodation.

The information that you submit is only used to ensure that the scholarship funds are granted to eligible attendees. All information will be kept confidential and deleted when no longer needed.


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