28 Nov-1 Dec 2022 Paris (France)
Enabling Metadata Driven Research Data Platform: From DDI-Codebook to DDI-Lifecycle
Archana Bidargaddi  1@  
1 : Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research


Through various data infrastructure modernization projects , NSD (from 1.1.2022 Sikt) has in 2020-2022 upgraded the research data archive infrastructure for data storage, management and distribution. The new Research Data Platform implements the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) model in the cloud – and covers Ingest, Data Management, Preservation and Dissemination processes of digital asset preservation and dissemination.  

The metadata steered, API-based storage service has adopted multiple industry standard protocols for data documentation, storage, communication and infrastructure, giving Sikt a state-of-the-art infrastructure for data management and dissemination purposes.  

With the new search functionality, users can search and find exactly what they are looking. The DOI landing pages present rich metadata in comprehensible way along with flexible data download. Use of DDI-lifecycle metadata standard together with new Creative Commons data licenses, increased accessibility and interoperability have been achieved. A new solution for global authentication has opened data access, given better user experiences and simplified reuse of data. 

In parallel, a new data deposit solution and new data processing routines have been developed, all coming together in NSDs cloud-based integrated data management system. 

The successful implementation presents new ways of using modern technologies and industry protocols to increase FAIRness of data archives. 

The presentation will introduce and showcase the upgraded infrastructure and data management solutions highlighting the challenges and lessons from metadata migration from DDI-Codebook to DDI-Lifecycle. 

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