Different disciplines have vastly different ways of organising research activities, research efforts take place at a variety of scales and use a huge range of different methodologies and workflows. These silos can slow down or hinder research on topical issues like pandemics where social science can complement biomedical approaches. The challenge is to bridge the scientific domains by trying to bring together related biomedical and social science data. The BY-COVID project explores this based on a use case between the resources of the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archive (CESSDA) and the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN). The work will include mapping of the DDI-based CESSDA metadata model and the ECRIN Metadata Schema for Clinical Research Data Objects, and analysis of used vocabularies and how the terms are used in different domains. This presentation will summarise findings and discuss possible areas of convergence and how the findings could be applied in the CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC) and the Clinical Research Metadata Repository (MDR), and fed into the wider metadata discussions and EOSC debates.