Extract2DDI - open source software to extract DDI-Lifecycle from SPSS and Stata
1 : CLOSER, UCL Social Research Institute
Building on the open source code base, developed at the UK Data Archive and subsequently further enhanced at Cornell in 2017, to develop a SPSS and Stata to DDI Codebook tool (https://github.com/ncrncornell/ced2arddigenerator).
CLOSER has extended the functionality to support DDI-Lifecycle 3.2 Instance format and DDI 3.3 Fragment format. To address concerns about potential sensitivity of specific variables in a dataset, functionality has been added to exclude for specified variables its summary statistics. The software is currently at beta and available at https://github.com/CLOSER-Cohorts/Extract2DDI.
The poster session willdemonstrate the software and be an opportunity to ask questiona.