28 Nov-1 Dec 2022 Paris (France)
Developing domain-specific data infrastructures in Germany: Insights from VerbundFBD and DP-R|EX
Marcus Eisentraut  1@  , Pascal Anstötz  1  
1 : GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

The VerbundFDB (German Network for Educational Research Data) and DP-R|EX (Data Portal for Research on Racism and Right-Wing-Extremism) are collaborative German projects with the aim to offer services for all concerns around the data lifecycle - from data discovery over research data management to archiving (both funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). 

Meanwhile, the VerbundFDB (rooted in 2013) is well established and has become a sustainable infrastructure in the area of empirical educational research, while DP-R|EX is a recently started project (in 2021) with the goal to parallel the efforts undertaken by VerbundFDB in the area of empirical research on prejudice and group-focused-enmity.  

In our presentation, we would like to showcase how descriptive metadata could be harmonized and how common standards in data processing, archiving, and documentation across collaborating institutions could be built up to fulfill the needs of specific research communities. We argue that proven workflows could quickly be adopted in other contexts and show that previous experiences are beneficial for establishing comparable data infrastructures. Moreover, we would like to elaborate on a successful and efficient model of federal archiving and documentation that ensurescapable domain-specific data infrastructure. 

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