28 Nov-1 Dec 2022 Paris (France)
A DDI-L based Data Portal for the European Social Survey
Beuster Benjamin  1@  
1 : Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

In June 2022, the ESS archive launched its new Data Portal where users can browse and download variables from more than 60 data files. Study documentation and information about fieldwork in each country is also available. The Portal also contains a Data Wizard that allow users to download a subset dataset by choosing a selection of rounds, variables and/or countries.  

The portal was mainly developed due to the storage of data being moved from on-premises servers to a new cloud platform. The changes also include an upgrade of the ESS metadata, moving from DDI-Codebook to DDI-Lifecycle. DDI-Lifecycle is specifically designed for cross-national and longitudinal surveys since it allows documentation of data across the entire life cycle. 

This presentation describes the metadata structure of the ESS Data Portal, and it shows the main metadata elements behind the ESS Data Wizard as an example for applied DDI-variable concordance. 

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